2022 – The Political Future of the United States

Last updated on January 29, 2022

The political future of the United States would appear to be hanging in the balance in 2022. The nation has become so divided that it is difficult to tell if it is the same country of even a few years ago. If you listen to and read the media, the nation seems to be highly divided. But is that really the case? I do not necessarily see so much division as I go through my daily life. Instead, I see people striving and struggling every day to keep their heads above the fray of politics. So why does it seem there is so much conflict among political entities?

One, politicians have a desperate need to distinguish themselves from one another. This leads them to take seemingly opposing positions, sometimes to an extreme. They are vying for donor dollars and want to ensure they appear different from their opponents. They believe this makes the donors' choice between one candidate and another easier. They also think their constituents need that clarity.

Two, the media is very much in the same position. They are vying for advertising dollars. Therefore, they create an appearance of crisis or conflict in all of their reporting. They hope this ensures viewers and readers keep coming back for more. The greater the problem or the impending doom they can portray, the more attention the story gets.

Both of these groups often rely on polls to tell them the temperature of the public. However, in my view, polls are inherently biased and not to be relied on to gauge the pulse of anything to do with human nature. Therefore, pollsters must use extreme caution in formulating the questions in the poll and the answers offered. The wording of the questions can carry bias. The answers offered can also carry bias or not represent the full array of potential answers.

In addition, sample sizes in polls are usually not very large, somewhere in the thousands. In a nation of 168,000,000 voters, how can a sampling of a few thousand be representative of the entire voting population? Counties in the US are generally predominately one party. The probability of obtaining a sample in one part of the country that may represent the rest of the country is nigh impossible.

This year, more than ever, it is essential for all voters to be informed. Seek out reliable sources of information. Do not rely only on the media. There are plenty of sources devoted to presenting unbiased views of current events. Form your own opinions, and don't just parrot what others are saying. Constantly challenge information that may seem to be contrary to what you have found. Do not just take opinions but insist upon substantiating facts. Arm yourself with knowledge.

Once you have done so, pay attention to the expressed views of candidates for public office. If they have been in office at any capacity previously, do their expressed views reflect their prior actions? Can you reliably expect them to carry through on their promises? Politicians often promise a lot, but it is not always within their power to fulfill those promises. Is the candidate making an empty promise to get your vote but will be fighting an unwinnable battle if elected?

My last recommendation is to make your opinion known to your local, county, state, and federal representatives in whatever capacity. Your vote is important to them. I know it often seems it is not but believe me, when enough of their constituents express their opinions, they will listen. So set aside time each month to write a letter or an email to the politicians you believe are not living up to their promises. Ensure they know you are paying attention and their political future is in the balance.

About the author  jcribbs48

I have long held the belief voting is one of the most important rights we are afforded under the Constitution.  Yet every election I see only a small percentage of those with this right actually voting.  This is the right and the mechanism our founding fathers gave us to protect all of our other rights.  It is imperative we exercise this right.  It is for this reason I began this website.

Jack Cribbs