COVID-19 and the Upcoming Election

Last updated on April 12, 2020

The current COVID-19 (coronavirus, CCP virus) pandemic only highlights the importance of voting in this years election.  While our lives have been totally upended by the response to the current crisis one has to wonder if and how elections will be held this year. A recent article by MIT Technology Review speaks to some of the issues involved in voting this year.  While I do not agree with all of the article, I do understand the issues involved.

One thing missing from the article is the potential for electronic ballots.  Much of the data being gathered for the 2020 census is being done electronically.  Each home address was sent one or more letters in which there was a code and directions how to logon to the census bureau site.  Part of the logon process was to enter the code from the letter received.  This validated the address and allowed you to proceed with the census questionnaire.  There is no reason this could not be done for all registered voters.  The only issue would be with same day registration as has been implemented in some states.  An issue I am sure could be overcome between now and Election Day if work were to begin now.

Why is it so important to vote this year?  Day after day we can see how government has put aside our rights as citizens in favor of their power and control of society.  While the crisis is a serious concern and merits appropriate action, this action should be taken at the local level and not imposed by Federal or State government.  It is fine for them to make recommendations as to best practices but not fine for them to impose these practices or mandate them with Executive Orders that are clearly unconstitutional.  We as citizens should endeavor to follow these best practices to the best of our ability and conscience.

We can follow social distancing recommendations even as we do things such as going to church.  For the most part organizations have made an effort to find ways to follow the guidelines by moving more activities to the internet thereby continuing to provide the people with a means of participating without going against guidelines.

However, the shutting down of our economy has had a devastating effect.  Many businesses will not recover.  For the most part these will be the mom and pop business that operate more on cash flow than on capital reserves.  These are also the backbone of the US economy.  Left to step into the void will be larger businesses and corporations with larger capital reserves.  No to mention greater lobbying power.

We have heard various politicians, including the President state, "the cure cannot be worse than the disease."  However, this is exactly what is happening.  If we ever want to get back to or close to the prior normal, it is incumbent on us to make our voices heard in the 2020 Election.

About the author  jcribbs48

I have long held the belief voting is one of the most important rights we are afforded under the Constitution.  Yet every election I see only a small percentage of those with this right actually voting.  This is the right and the mechanism our founding fathers gave us to protect all of our other rights.  It is imperative we exercise this right.  It is for this reason I began this website.

Jack Cribbs