With Only 5 Weeks To Election Day, Are You Ready?

Last updated on September 28, 2020

There are only 5 weeks left to Election Day.  Are you registered?  Have you made up your mind?  Are you waiting to see the debates before you make your decision?  These are all questions that are on a lot of people's minds.  However, here at GetOutToVote.org we are only interested in helping you to arrive at the decision to vote.  We do not care who you vote for, only that you vote.  So, if you have not registered to vote, please do so.  You only have a few days in most states to register.  Please do not miss the opportunity afforded you by our Constitution.

If you are still indecisive, please pay attention over the next few weeks to the debates and discussion on the issues important to you.  There are many issues being addressed in this election.  Immigration remains on the table.  Abortion is a big issue for many.  The Health crisis the country has been in for the last 8 months might be your top concern.  Or perhaps it is health insurance and whether or not Obamacare will be eliminated.  What might replace it.  Maybe foreign policy and how the US has been interacting with other countries.  Perhaps it is foreign aid.  Or maybe it is something closer to home.  Jobs and our economy as we move forward and attempt to recover from the economic disaster brought on by the health crisis.  Or perhaps it is the tremendous debt we are incurring as we attempt to keep businesses afloat and people out of poverty.

Whatever is your concern, there is no better opportunity to have a voice than in this years election.  The most talked about race of course is the Presidential contest but there are many local and state races that will determine policy for you wherever you live.  These could be even more important in the larger scheme of things.

Once again we urge you to Register, get informed and Vote.

About the author  jcribbs48

I have long held the belief voting is one of the most important rights we are afforded under the Constitution.  Yet every election I see only a small percentage of those with this right actually voting.  This is the right and the mechanism our founding fathers gave us to protect all of our other rights.  It is imperative we exercise this right.  It is for this reason I began this website.

Jack Cribbs